viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2016


Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear.

Isaiah 59: 1

Sometimes it is impossible to understand with our finite minds the mercy of our Heavenly Father for us. His faithful and eternal love reaches us even when we commit acts that take us away from Him.

Chapter 59 of Isaiah tells us about the confession of sin of Israel and its transition towards liberation from sin through repentance. We were all cut of God's presence product of original sin, but thanks to Jesus Christ and His perfect sacrifice once, we got new access to the throne of the Father.

There is something called actual sin, which are those practices that keep us from God and makes us to act and think contrary to God and his principles. Everyone at some point commits sin because as it is written, There is none righteous, not even one (Romans 3:10.), But we must be decided to serve the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to work those areas to be more like Christ .

It is necessary that today reflections on these practices that kept you away from the Lord and go to His presence in the act of confession and repentance of heart and see how He, who never fails and has never ceased to be, will give you timely help, He will sustain you, will forgive you and restore you to his glory and honor. This morning removes all rebellion, all sin and lie between you and God so you can know His perfect will for you. The enemy will come like a flood, but the Spirit of the Lord lift up a standard against him and will give you the victory (v.19).

God bless you woman with destiny in God

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